Airports SFO-GDL - June 2nd, 2022 - #2381, 2382, 2383, 2384

Airports SFO-GDL - June 2nd, 2022 - #2381, 2382, 2383 & 2384

#2381 Leica Q | 28mm | 1/500, f16, ISO320

#2382 Leica Q | 28mm | 1/500, f16, ISO2500

#2383 Leica Q | 28mm | 1/60, f16, ISO200

#2384 Leica Q | 28mm | 1/60, f16, ISO250

Los aeropuertos son un lugar común en mi vida. Muchos de ellos son modestos, otros destacables y enormes. Pero en todos hay personajes y acciones interesantes.

Airports are familiar places for me. Many of them are modest buildings, others gigantic and remarkable. But no matter in which airport you’re in, you always find interesting people and gestures.